Alessandro Martemucci at Lean Global Connection 2023 to talk about how to create Sustainable Value with Frugal Management
27 November 2023
Presentation of the book Frugal Management in Milan
2 May 2024Tuesday 19 December, starting at 19:00, will see the presentation of the book Frugal Management by author Alessandro Martemucci. The event will take place at the fascinating venue of the Museo dell’Essenza Lucano in Pisticci Scalo, an unmissable opportunity for those wishing to explore the topic of sustainable management. Martemucci, a renowned expert in the field, offers an innovative perspective on how companies can adopt sustainable practices and strategies to ensure their long-term growth. Frugal Management focuses on the importance of reducing waste and optimising resources, demonstrating how these actions not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also on companies’ financial performance. After the greetings of Luigi Prisco, President of Federmanager Basilicata; Valter Quercioli, Vice-President of Federmanager; and Erik Pettinicchi, Young Group of Federmanager Emilia Romagna, there will be illustrious guests such as Francesco Vena, CEO of Lucano 1894 S.r.l.; Marco Calciano, Innovation Manager; and Giuseppe De Benedictis, General Manager of VSB Energy. The moderator will be Vito Verrastro, Journalist and Communicator Manager. Before the start of the meeting, starting at 17:00, it will be possible to visit the Amaro Lucano Museum free of charge, offering a unique opportunity for cultural enrichment. After the book presentation, there will be an opportunity to enjoy a ‘Frugal Apericena’, then get an autograph from Alessandro Martemucci on your own copy of the book.