Presentation of the book Frugal Management in Milan
2 May 2024
Book presentation of “Frugal Management” by Alessandro Martemucci on TRMTV
21 August 2024The book “Frugal Management. Sustainable Value for Future Generations” written by Alessandro Martemucci and published by Guerini has been included among the top 10 texts on frugality on Amazon, ranking 3rd according to the website notiziescientifiche.it. This recognition highlights the significant impact of Martemucci’s work in the new economic landscape, which revisits currently unsustainable management practices, projecting them towards a new management model. In his book, the author proposes an innovative approach that combines efficiency and social responsibility. Through the fusion of theories such as lean, agile, and jugaad, the concept of sustainability is redefined, offering a practical vision on how companies can address contemporary economic, environmental, and social challenges. Alessandro Martemucci’s guide emphasises the importance of prioritising relational and material resources, a crucial aspect for the future of organisations. Notizie Scientifiche highlights how this work not only represents a critique of existing practices but also provides practical tools for positive change. With “Frugal Management”, companies are invited to reflect on their responsibility towards future generations, making the book essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the value of frugality in modern management.